People's muses are different things. I think mine is music. I can't paint with out music or a movie playing. For some reason that gets me in the groove and takes my mind off procrastination. I think writing may be the same way. So today I am trying writing and listening to music. My blogging has been scarce. Thank you all my reader for not deserting me. Maybe writing to music will help.
Becky gave me a topic to write about last week. Why art.
Why art? Well, I have always admired art and the beautiful things that are created. I really did not seek out art it dropped in my lap so to speak. In New Mexico I took a few charcoal classes. When we moved to Oklahoma and met Lou, mom asked if I wanted to take art classes. I of course said yes. My first art projects are terrible. Those are hidden under the bed. (don't tell Lou) Six years later I am still talking Lou's art classes. And love every minutes of it. My painting and drawing has improved. Not as much as I would like but every day you paint you improve. You learn something new, find a better way to do something etc. Art is always a learning process. You can always improve. There is no perfection in art. You may paint something and think this is great! But a few days later you look at it and say oh I need to fix that and that and that. It never ends. Sometimes you just sign it and call it done. I have to restrain myself from going back and fixing my terrible first paintings. Some of them I have painted over. (again don't tell Lou) Why waste a good canvas! Art is a big portion of my life. And I am thankful for Lou's guidance! Thank you Lou!
The Venice painting is nice, but I really, really like the rooster!
Great story about how you got into art. Some things I think we are just born with. For me it was knitting. I don't remember a time when I didn't want to learn to knit--even as a small child.
Art is always a learning process. You can always improve.
And life, as they say, imitates art! Good stuff, Ash.
I love it when the light goes on in one of my students. Ashley is a great art student - she has a great eye for color and a unique style. Like life, she just jumps in with her whole heart. Who could not love that?!
I love the rooster! You are very talented! I fail trying to draw stick figures! But turn me loose painting a living room and I can do neat things!
It's been six years!? I really like the Venice painting! I remember you working on it a long time ago - you didn't just now finish it, did you? That one was definitely worth finishing ;)
I do like both of them, but I love the colors in the Venice painting!
Your so right with the music, much of my inspiration comes when I'm listening to something. Your post was good today Ash!
Becky: Thank you. Kitting is fascinating.
Buck: Thank you!
Lou: Thank you (blush)
Carrie: Thank you. I am the messiest house painter ever!
Jenn: Thank you
Skybag: Yes it's been six years. That painting has been finished for a very long time. You mom just requested that I post it.
Dawn: Thank you!
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