Thursday, March 13, 2008

And She Cried.....

As I have told you in the "Selling My Baby" post someone inquired about buying Sydney. I have not heard from them and I assumed that they were not going to follow through and buy her. I was very shocked when I received an email saying that he had sent the deposit Western Union! And yes I did cry a little. Part of me knows that I should sell her but the other parts really want to keep her. I am stuck! I don't want to sell her. I am to attached. It is my own fault. I know what I should do but is it not what I want to do.


Bag Blog said...

If Sid had not been an only child, it probably would not be so hard. If Sid had not had such a cute personality...but it is time for a new batch of puppies. That should make things easier.

Junk Diva said...

It will be ok, she will go to a good home, bring those people joy, and someday....... You will have puppy love again.

Becky G said...

Yes, it will be hard, but I feel you must follow through with the sale. It would be the moral and ethical thing to do.

And may there be lots of puppies for you to love in the future!

Inquiries said...

Lou: Yes I agree it would have been different.

Diva: Yes she will bring them joy. They are getting a good dog.

Becky: You are very right Becky thank you.