Friday, March 7, 2008

All Dressed Up and No Where To Go

Well Gentle Reader. I have strep throat. Yuck. Posting will be light until I am restored to my normal self. I hate going to the doctor. HATE IT.
I am going to tell on myself. When I was around five. I got strep throat. The doctor wanted to do a swab test on the back of my throat to test for strep. The doctor attempted to stick the nasty stick down my throat and I gaged. He still insisted that the test be done. (I have never really been a big person but I am a heck of a lot stronger than I look.) It took my mother, two nurses and the doctor to hold me down to stick that swab down my throat. After that day the doctor never tried again. It makes me laugh to think about it. Today I thought the doctor was going to stick that nasty swab down my throat. But luckily he did not. He knew it was strep without the test. I kept saying to myself. You are too old to be held down to do a strep test. Just let him do it and get it over with. You are a big girl now. I refrained from doing a victory dance when he said no test was required. I have to take antibiotics for ten days. I was also prescribed Tylenol with codeine. Why TC you may ask. Well, I can barely swallow. The lymph nodes are so swollen that swallowing is very painful and difficult. Hopefully I will be better within a week and you can put up with some mediocre posts.


Becky G said...

Ick. I've had strep many times myself. You have my every sympathy.

Inquiries said...

Thanks Becky. I have not had strep in years. I did not want to take the Tylenol with codeine. I am reconsidering it.

inpassing said...

Take care of yourself, Ashley. Hope you are up and around really soon!!

The Friendly Neighborhood Piper said...

Sorry Ash, you know what we'll be doing...

mornin'lady said...

and I second the piper :)

Buck said...

Get well soon, Ash. Strep throat ain't NO fun... at all. Rest up, stay in bed, lotsa liquids, and all that. I'm thinkin' of ya!

Inquiries said...

Inpassing: Thank you

Jay: Thank you

Dawn: Thank you

Buck: Thank you

Junk Diva said...

Sorry you are sick Sunshine !!!!!!!

Inquiries said...

Junk Diva: At first I did not know who you were but "sunshine" was a dead give away. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Sure missed you sitting beside me today! Hope you are getting better

Anonymous said...

Hmmm..very odd. I tried to post to bagblog last night, but it wouldn't let me due to some error. Today it said there was an error when I first tried to post here. But I can post anonymously.

Mrs. Napkins

Inquiries said...

Thank you Mrs. Napkins.

Susan said...

Hope you're feeling better. I had strep a couple months ago and it is painful! I thought I was too old for it, I hadn't had it for 20+ years!

Bag Blog said...

I've never had strep, but once when I was 18 I had a small wreck and broke my patella. While at the doctors, they discovered that I had not had a tetnus shot in over 10 years and they wanted to give me one. I tucked my arms back into the wheel-chair where the nurses could not get to me and was ready to fight. My mother was horrified. I realized how bad I was being and relented, but I was mad.

I miss you lots - get well.

Inquiries said...

Triplee: Thanks for stopping by! Yeah strep is painful. I have not had it in years either.

Lou: Sounds like something I would do. The whole time I would be thinking this is so childish. You are too old for this. But it hurts! I decided before I went into the doctor that there would be no need to hold me down. I think it would take a lot of people to hold me down now. Of course I would be laughing so hard at how stupid I am being that they would win. LOL.