Dole Plantation part one.

Rainbow tree. I like this tree. It is very colorful.

This was our Dole Plantation garden guide. He made me laugh. He made the tour very entertaining.
The Dole Plantation was our last day in Hawaii. :(
We were there for hours and hours. Our flight did not leave until 10:59pm so we had many hours to kill.
Even though I just came across your blog I love it and you have a reader forever. I have given you an award over on my blog so come on over to see it. :)
The garden guide picture made me laugh!
To the award winner blogger - The rainbow tree is awesome, your guide is hilarious.
congrats on your award, your gorgeous photo's deserve it (along with all your patience in uploading them!!!!!!)
did you eat pineapple or bananas all day????
What makes the tree different colors? And I like the picture of the lizard! Your pics are awesome, as usual!!
Carrie: Well thank you! Very much! I just started reading your blog and I like it. You crack me up!
And thank you for the award!
Jenn: Thanks! It is hard when you like all the blogs you read to pick favorites! The hibiscuses are big! I have several pictures of the next to my hand to show the size.
Jesse: He was a funny guy! He cracked me up the whole time!
Perfection: Thank you!
Dawn: Thank you! Oh the uploading! Aiiiiiiiieeeeee!
I ate pineapple all day long. I hate bananas.
We had pineapple ice cream too!
Sue: It is the bark if the tree and the different layers of it.
The lizard picture is my favorite.
Thank you!
There would be NO better place to kill a few hours, IMHO. Unless the plantation had a bar... ;-)
Great Pictures! Riley would have wanted to take the lizard home.
Buck: It was rather nice. But no bar/
SG: Thank you. If he could catch it! They were FAST!
I love the rainbow tree. I can just see the look on your face as you followed that guide.
Lou: Allissa took a pic of me listening to him. It was funny. I had a very intent look on my face.
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