Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Day 4
We went snorkeling many times in Hawaii. The fish are beautiful and the colors, shapes, and sizes vary so much. Enjoy!
This fish followed me around. Every time I looked there it was. We snorkeled there three times, and each time it followed me. It has gargantuan eyes and they were always looking at me. Like big goat eyes. It was a little weird
Sea Turtle

Same sea turtle. The sea turtle followed me around too. Occasionally he would brush against my legs. I had to squelched the freak out instinct. Pencil urchin.
Don't ask me what kind of fish this is, I don't know.


Bag Blog said...

Ah, nice pics - love the color against the drab. Jesse loved snorkeling too. Reminds me of the days when we use to sneek into Aquarina Springs in San Marcos for a little snorkeling.

Junk Diva said...

Very cool pic.s it looks like so much fun.

Course of Perfection said...

It has gargantuan eyes and they were always looking at me. Like big goat eyes. It was a little weird.

That made me laugh.

Inquiries said...

Lou: The snorkeling was awesome! Why did you have to sneak?

Diva: It was fun! You would like it!

Perfection: Glad to make you laugh Perfection.