Tuesday, March 4, 2008

D.C. Part V

Washington D.C. Part V.

Ford's Theater. (the picture quality is poor sorry)

Goofing off
And diamonds are a girls best friend. (needless to say I was drooling through this whole exhibit.
Planes in the Air and Space Museum
Cute little red plane
Abraham Lincoln

Abe and I
Looking out over the reflecting pool from Lincoln's memorial
Looking at Jefferson's memorial through the cherry trees
Korean War Memorial

I don't know what this building is but I liked it Jefferson Memorial
Statue of Mr. Tomas Jefferson

There are a few more parts to this series. If enough is enough just say so.


Bag Blog said...

Many of these look very familiar. Jesse and I visited the Lincoln Memorial at dawn right after we attended role-call at the Vietnam Memorial Wall. It was beautiful, but cold that morning (no water in the reflecting pools while we were there). Jesse drooled over the planes, not the diamonds.

Inquiries said...

It was sooooo cold when we were there too. I drooled over both the planes and the diamonds. A little more so over the diamonds.

inpassing said...

Inquiries, I've enjoyed touring DC through your eyes. I don't remember that particular shot of the Vietnam Memorial when I saw Lou's pics. It was unusual to say the least and probably very impressive in person.

mornin'lady said...

Ash, the pictures are just great bring on the rest, never tire of photo touring :)
Awhile back you asked about the small photos of the heart and rose, I forgot to get back to you, go figure!
Anyway they're just clip art, go to this site...

Inquiries said...

Inpassing: Thank you!

Dawn: Thanks for the compliment and the url.

Bag Blog said...

Actually, that is a photo of the Korean War Memorial - not the Vietnam.

inpassing said...

Aahhh...thanks for the Memorial update, Lou. I thought the Vietnam Memorial was a list of names etched on something, but having never been to D.C. I wasn't sure. I liked the "Korean" Memorial with the soldiers.

Inquiries said...

Lou: Thank you for the correction. I could not remember what it was.

I will fix that ASAP

Bag Blog said...

The Korean War Memorial is awesome with the soldiers looking so real. The wall behind them is etched with scenes - sometimes you feel the soldiers are in the wall, too. It is not far from the Vietnam Memorial. All are just pretty amazing - especially at dawn.