"When you are educated you'll believe only half of what you hear. When you are intelligent you know which half." -Jerome Perryman
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
The First Tag
Buck tagged me so here is my desktop. It is my first time to me tagged. It is kind of fun! It is one of the tulip pictures I have taken. This meme is interesting. It gives you a insight into people. Your desktop picture tells alot about you!
I change my desktop picture all the time. What does that say about me?
I change my desktop picture all the time too! I think it says that you like variety.
Doesn't everyone???? Variety is the spice of life.
You desktop picture tells alot about you!
TOO much, in my case.
Diva: Yes variety is the spice of life.
Buck: TOO much, in my case.
Don't worry about it. You are who you are. It is a great picture!
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